WARNING! If you are not a Canadian citizen, you must call the SAAQ at 514954-7771 to check if you can obtain a driver's license, depending on your status in Canada. Indeed, as of January 1, 2022, foreign students and temporary residents holding a work permit for less than 12 months can no longer register for a driver's license. EDIT: It seems that an additional delay has been put in place and that this rule will only be applied from March 1st. You could register before this date. Please contact the SAAQ for more details!

Our Office

Our Office


Contact Us

Drive and Go has several Driving Schools in the greater Montreal area.

Drive and Go | Plateau Mont-Royal


5179 A Av du parc Montréal (QC) H2V4G3


+1 514-374-8346 Ext. 1



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