Probationary License

How to obtain your probationary licence?

Pass a driving course in a driving school recognized by the Quebec Transportation Association such as Drive & Go.

Have had your learner’s licence for at least 12 months to continue your RSEP process (Phase 2, 3 and 4).

Phases 2, 3 and 4 will take place over a minimum period of 10 months after obtaining your learner’s licence.

Pass the theoretical exams.

Phase 1

Prior to the AC license

Phase 2

Directed driving

Phase 3

Semi-guided driving

Phase 4

Semi-guided autonomous driving

  1.             The vehicle
  2.              The driver
  3.              The environment
  4.              At-risk behaviours
  5.              Evaluation
  1.     Accompanied driving

    In-car session 1

    In-car session 2

  2.     OEA strategy

                In-car session 3

                In-car session 4

  1. Speed

    In-car session 5

    In-car session 6

  2.    Sharing the road

    In-car session 7

    In-car session 8

  3.   Alcohol, drugs

    In-car session 9

    In-car session 10

  1.  Fatigue, distraction

    In-car session 11

    In-car session 12

  2.  Eco-driving

    In-car session 13

    In-car session 14

  3. In-car session 15-Synthesis

Following these 10 months (phase 2, 3 and 4), you will have to

Take your theoretical exam at the SAAQ, which will consist of 3 components.

Upon successful completion of the theoretical exam, you will be able to take your practical exam (only if it has been a minimum of 12 months since obtaining the learner's licence) before obtaining your probationary driver's licence

Documents to be presented for exams

Written authorization from parents if you are under 18 years old

Provide the school's certificate No. 2 with the mention "Success"

Important criteria for the probationary licence

Zero tolerance to alcohol and drugs while driving.

4-point incapacity plan or your licence will be suspended.