Service for no-residents


Don't have a driver's licence?

After listening to your situation, we are determined to do everything possible to make it easier for you to obtain your driver’s licence in Quebec.
Whatever type of exam you need to take, we will be there!

Permanent Resident

For 6 months from the date of your establishment in Quebec, you can drive a car. If you hold a valid driver’s licence, obtained Outside Quebec, which authorizes you to drive this category of vehicle. Afterwards, to continue driving, you will need to obtain a Quebec licence

You can exchange it for a Quebec license, of equivalent class, without having to take the proficiency exams.

Important: To obtain a driver’s license from Quebec under the conditions described below, you must apply for it within a maximum of 12 months of your establishment in Canada

You can exchange it for an equivalent licence authorizing the driving of a car (class 5) without being submitted to the proficiency exams.

In the previous list You will be able to obtain an equivalent licence authorizing the driving of a car (class 5) after passing the proficiency exams. However, you must have been licensed for at least one year before settling in Quebec

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan.
You can exchange it for an equivalent licence authorizing the driving of a car (class 5) without having to pass the proficiency exams

If the Company recognizes you with less than 24 months of driving experience with an automobile, you will obtain a probationary licence. You will hold it until you accumulate 24 months of driving experience.

Are you arriving in Quebec and you do not hold a driver’s licence from your country of origin? And you do not meet the previous requirements and wish to obtain a Quebec driver’s licence, you will have to comply with the conditions of gradual access to driving including the successful completion of the driving course given by a school Recognized by SAAQ.
Possession of an learner’s licence for a minimum period of 12 months (accompanied driving);Passing the theoretical and practical exams.
For more information or to make an appointment to verify your eligibility for a driver’s licence, call one of the following telephone numbers:
If you are a Canadian citizen and: you hold a driver’s licence issued in Canada Or If you do not hold a driver’s licence

Temporary resident

You can drive on the Quebec road network for 6 consecutive months without holding a Quebec driver’s licence.

Beyond 6 months, you must hold an international driver’s licence to drive on Quebec roads.

If you hold a foreign driver’s licence, you can drive on the Quebec road network for 6 consecutive months without holding a Quebec driver’s licence.
Beyond 6 months, you must hold an international driver’s licence to drive on Quebec roads.

If you are a student, cooperator or intern. You can drive a car, throughout your studies or internship in Quebec, without holding a Quebec driver’s licence.

However, you must comply with the following conditions:

Have a valid driver's licence issued by another jurisdiction.
Drive only a road vehicle of a Category authorized by your licence.
Respect all the conditions specified on your license.